Information about the processing of personal data

Dear clients,

When processing personal data of our current and potential clients, we follow applicable privacy laws. We always process personal data in such a way that it does not fall into unauthorised hands and with your privacy in mind.

  1. What personal data do we process and for what purpose?

We process such personal data that you have voluntarily provided to us for a specific purpose and only to fulfil it.

Mostly, it is the name and surname and contact details of our potential customers who will reach us e.g. via web form, email, phone or in person on various occasions (on recommendation, at a trade fair, training etc.). We treat this data in the legitimate interest of both our clients and ourselves to communicate with each other so that we can offer our services in the highest possible quality.

For customers with whom we have concluded a contractual relationship, we also process other necessary data for its fulfilment, e.g. bank connections, technical data for remote desktop connections etc. We only ever keep the necessary data to comply with our legal and contractual obligations. We use contact details exceptionally to contact a customer even after fulfilling a contractual obligation with information that we believe is relevant to them and is in their legitimate interest to have.

We also store personal data (name, surname, contact) with a group of people who are professionally connected to us but are not our customers. These are e.g. trainers, sales representatives of supply companies or other experts working on larger-scale contracts in which we participated. They are kept in our legitimate interest in building a business. We store their personal data in order to contact them in the future for expert advice, collegial help or to arrange a business relationship.

We do not use personal data for unsolicited marketing purposes, we do not transfer it to a third party (except in the cases referred to in point 3 of this Information) or make automatic individual decision-making.

  1. How do we safeguard personal data and how long do we keep it?

We keep personal information that is printed in paper form (business cards, invoices, contracts etc.) in a separate locked room and make sure that no one has unauthorized access to it to keep it safe. Once the legal deadlines have expired, they will be shredded (mainly accounting documents after 10 years). Records that are not subject to statutory time limits will be shredded after the expiration of the period when the legitimate interest in contacting the person can be assumed to have ceased to exist (it will be evaluated by the administrator every 2 years whether the legitimate interest has ceased to exist).

The data we obtain in electronic form and is stored on a PC is secured by passwords, keeping the software up-to-date and carefully selecting it. We also secure the contact details stored on a mobile phone. The deletion of the data will take place after the statutory deadlines have expired. Records that are not subject to statutory time limits will be deleted after the expiration of the period when the legitimate interest in contacting the person can be assumed to have ceased to exist (it will be evaluated by the administrator every 2 years whether the legitimate interest has ceased to exist).

Email communication is secured by default by third-party services, specifically

  1. Who has access to your personal data?

First of all, the administrator of the personal data obtained, Mr. Aleš Manych, and Ms. Andrea Manychová as a cooperating person. In cases where this will be necessary to ensure the proper running of the company, additional staff will be given access. This approach will be treated appropriately by means of a contract.

The domain provider for is, s.r.o., which also handles the security of personal data and has a processing contract with us.

Fio banka, a.s., which also ensures the security of personal data according to the applicable laws, will participate in any cashless financial transactions.

  1. What rights do you have in relation to the stored personal data?

Based on applicable laws, you have the right to know what data we have and store about you. If you need this information, do not hesitate to contact us and we will prepare an overview of the information held for you in the shortest possible time (by law within 1 month, but in complicated cases up to 3 months).

If you wish that we no longer store any personal data about you, contact us and we will remove anything that we are allowed to given the contractual relationships and our legal obligations.

Other rights you have (the right to correct your data, the right to have an objection, …) are regulated by law and can be exercised via the contact to the administrator below, or you have the right to complain to the Privacy Office or at a court.

  1. Information on personal data protection for employees

We will process the personal data of our future employees and trainees for the purpose of fulfilling our legal obligations to the state and for the purpose of fulfilling the employment contract. We will also use the contact details to offer further cooperation, which is in the legitimate interest of both entities. These include especially first name, surname, birth number, date of birth, contact details, marital status (for tax purposes) and bank connection. The necessary ones will be passed on to state institutions. The data will be secured according to point 2 of this Information and may be subject to the rights under point 4 of this Information.

  1. Final provisions

We have always handled your sensitive personal data responsibly. In connection with the legislation in force, we have taken appropriate measures to safeguard the personal data obtained. This Personal data processing information is valid as of May 25, 2018. We will edit them if necessary and you can find their current version published on our website

Personal data administrator:

Aleš Manych
Platěnice 109 53002
mobile: +420 605 579 365
Business ID: 02263653